Friday, April 17, 2015

Mauritius –the holiday island in the Indian Ocean

I arrived in Mauritius in the morning. I had flewn with Emirates from JFK to Dubai the night before. Dubai is a very busy international airport and among all the tourists and business travelers I saw a few Saudi men with three and four veiled wifes and 10 children trailing after them. Honestly I can't say a lot about Dubai, since I never left the airport, but I can tell you the french fries at McDonalds are as good as at any other McDonalds in the world. So after  a three hour stopover in Dubai we flew on to Mauritius, where I was supposed to embark by ship to Reunion the next day. When I got of the plane I felt the climate, meaning the temperature  and the humidity to be very pleasant.  I was amazed by the variety of the incredibly green nature and the endless long white beaches I saw through the window of the bus on our rocky journey from the Airport to the cruise ship.

Unfortunately we got bad news from our cruise ship captain that same night of our arrival. We would skip the trip to Reunion, because of a big Taifun. So we got one more day that we would stay in Mauritius. We performers went into the town and bought souvenirs and postcards and I bought a SIM card for my phone. Oh yes, i forgot to mention i am a juggler and i was one of the entertainers for the cruise. About Mauritius is so much to be said that it became independent in 1968 from Britain and people are friendly and speak english and french. The island has been blessed with pearl white beaches. Mauritius is located like a precious pearl in the indian ocean. You can tell that it has a large cultural variety by looking at the many indian hindu temples, the chinese quarters and you can actually see the british and continental influences in its architecture. Mauritious used to be a french colony and later it became a british colony. Literally, the island of Mauritius is luxury and wellness for the soul and the body,  as it  has picturesque landscapes, amazing resorts and culinary pleasures, because of its creole influence in its foods.

Right after visiting the Teamuseum i ventured further out into unknown territories in Mauritius on my own.  I hitchhiked in order to save some money. I went to the Botanic Garden"Pamplemouse". This exotic garden magically entranced me and it is in my opinion the most beautiful sights in whole Mauritius! It is an absolute highlight and presents the sheer unbelievable amount of animal and plant life. The Dodo is the only one who is missing. He was extinct in 1890. Ever heard the saying "Dead as a Dodo"? That's where the saying comes from.

Many untouched green hills, volcanoes and beaches emboss the environment and have enchanted me with their special charme. The highest mountain of this region, close to the bay of Le Morne has the name "Le Morne" (translated it  means the mourner) and it has an interesting story. An old Legend says that the slaves fled to the mountain top and jumped to their death in hundreds.

Even nowadays people from the island go only reluctant on this mountain of fate of Mauritius. And i I heard and read of many of these little stories in Mauritius.  

The next day in Mauritius I went to the Tea museum and then to the beach with a group of other performers.

We went the next afternoon by ship to Mayotte, but i got back just in time on the ship, because i had to buy some more Tea.  That night i did my juggling show. The ceiling was a little low, but what can you do. 

Free activities in the City that never sleeps!

New York City may be going though a boom of expensive real estate, but lends itself to many free leisure activities everyone can partake in, because of its many parks. From free Yoga in the parks, to free juggling classes at Bryant Park and One Penn Plaza to Mass Yoga on Times Square, - the City that never sleeps has a lot of free activities to choose from. 

Mass-Yoga in New York: 1200 Mats spread out on Times Square

It started years ago with three participants, by now thousands of people are taking part in it: With Yoga moves they ring in the summer on Times Square; and that in a completely relaxed state! In general free Yoga classes have a steady group of 50 to 60 "Yogis" in the many parks in NYC and its Boroughs. Another booming cool and free activity, which is as old as Yoga is juggling! And juggling is being taught from Bryant Park at two locations for free. Bryant Park's juggling meet started with three jugglers meeting during Lunch hour 6 years ago and gives out an average of 300 Buttons per year to people certifying that they have mastered the three ball cascade. (three ball cascade is the technical term jugglers use for the pattern of juggling three balls)

At times New York seems odd to foreigners. Last months several thousand Yoga-Fans have greeted the summer on New York’s Times Square with Yoga. Since the early morning a free Yoga class took place on this lively place in the US Metropolis. Beginner and advanced Yogis followed the directions of the teachers, which were blasting Yoga poses from the Loudspeakers. Especially women said goodbye to the winter with a few Yoga exercises. We all know Yoga is good against the Stress of the big city. And these Yoga masses rang in the hot season while the weather was really good.

The oldest Yoga teacher was 94 years old. The event took place the eleventh time. "Mind over Madness" is the Motto – a play on words of "Mind over Matter".

Surprised Tourists recorded the Mass-Yoga with their Cameras.

Jeff Mitchell is the teacher that Bryant Park hires from March to December and he teaches juggling for an hour from 12-1 at Bryant Park and two hours from 1-3 at 34th street Partnership, a small Park at One Penn Plaza. The club started with just a few people 6 years ago. They worked nearby in offices and met for one hour during lunch then the park came in and offered them money, because they liked juggling as an activity. Jeff, who used to be an electrical engineer learnt the "how to" of juggling at Bryant Park.

Jeff throws two balls one after another in the air and says" Throw, throw, catch, catch. Then he demonstrates it again, "One, two, catch catch." The young woman throws one ball with her hand and hands the second ball to the now empty hand. "No" says Jeff and shakes his head with a conviction. He patiently shows her again how to do it and says:

"The balls cross, they are both thrown after each other. Don't hand the second ball over, throw the ball." After 15 minutes the young woman has learnt to juggle or at least she can throw six times without dropping her three balls and she gets the prized Button, which says:"I learnt to juggle at Bryant Park."

Jeff says:"We have people from all walks of life. We have people passing by and so-called regulars, who pass clubs with each other or challenge each other with five or even seven balls. Some of the regular business people used to be professionals, now they work in regular jobs. Some of the business people have been practicing their skills here on a regular basis. Even in the winter when it's freezing cold."

But New York City has more Freebies to offer. Several Parks in New York City and in the 5 boroughs offer free Yoga classes during the summer. The writer, who is from Astoria, NYC is a "Bryant Park juggler" and she tried several free Yoga classes at 14th street Park Yoga, Tenth Avenue at 14th Street (Free Tuesdays at 6:30 pm) and Bryant Park and she is a regular "Yogi" at Socrates Sculpture Park (Saturdays 9:30am. - 10:30am & 11am - 12pm.). Just give it a try, it's free!

Bryant Park Yoga & Lunch Juggle  Tuesday juggle also from 5:30 to 7:30 and Saturday from 11 am - 2 pm)
In Bryant Park around 42nd St and 6th Ave.
Free Juggling classes: Juggling class provides equipment. During the week from 12-1 pm, Tuesday juggle also from 5:30 to 7:30 and Saturday from11 am - 2 pm)
Yoga: Free. Mats are Provided. Tues 10am - 11am; Thurs. 6pm - 7pm. May 20th-Sept. 18th

Prospect Park Yoga In Prospect Park's Long Meadow near the 9th Street entrance. 
Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Free. Thursdays 7pm - 8pm. May 24th - September 6th.

Target Community Garden Yoga
117th Street between 1st and Pleasant
Saturdays 10am - 11am, May thru September

Yoga in Union Square
Union Square in the South Plaza.
Free. Limited number of mats provided.
Thursdays 7pm - 8pm. May 24th - Spetember 6th.

Copyright Meike Fromm